RouterStats History =================== 7.0 12 Dec 2017 Noise Margin Alarm setpoints can now be adjusted in 0.1 dB increments. Use the Up/Down arrows for 0.1 increments. Use the trackbar slider for 1.0 increments. 6.9 09 Mar 2016 Removed upper limit on maximum Rx Sync graph axis. 6.8k 10 Dec 2013 TG582n: Added support for European decimal seperator. Tidied up log entry formatting. 6.8j 14 Sep 2013 ST585: Bitloading graphs were being saved on closedown even when they were not selected for capture. 6.8h 04 Apr 2013 Modified DG834v5/DGN2200 code to work with DGN2200V3 (hopefully - unable to test). Fixed oversight preventing Attenuation value being overlaid on graphs with the TG582n & TG587n. Fixed bug causing bitswaps/tone graphs plotting values below zero. TG582n & TG587n: Can now access router's Stats & Log pages via the web interface instead of opening the main Web Browser. Telnet Router Log 'Close' button was not anchored to the bottom of the window. Bitloading grapgs were not being saved when "Capture graphs when RouterStats closes was checked. Much work working around operating system memory leaks. RouterStats now uses a lot less memory. 6.8g 28 Feb 2013 ST585, TG582n & TG587n: Added 'Router Session Timeout' option. This may allow the router to terminate stale telnet sessions when the computer running RouterStats is in sleep mode. 6.8f 02 Feb 2013 ST585, TG582n & TG587n: Added 'hist=enabled' to extended telnet router log. 6.8e 03 Jan 2013 Noise Margin Graphs: vertical axis can be limited to +50dB and -10dB to prevent axis "running wild" if router returns silly results. Option set via Noise Margin Graphs right-click context menu item. ST585, TG582n & TG587n: View Router Log button on the toolbar now has optional direct access to the router's telnet log in addition to the web interface log which is accessed via the browser. 6.8d 19 Dec 2012 Email: Selected email client (which, optionally, opens when the 'Envelope Icon' is clicked) now works with email clients which require a command line switch to Open. 6.8c 29 Nov 2012 TG582n / TG587n: Fixed logging of User Defined graphs (if selected with 'Include in log'). Fixed 'Raw' & 'Difference' plotting options for user defined graphs. Fixed some minor cosmetic bugs. 6.8b 23 Oct 2012 Added option to select Graph Captured images filenames with date/time first or filename first. Eg: 2012Oct23-Rx_Noise.jpg -or- Rx_Noise-2012Oct23.jpg This allows captured images to be listed by filename or by date. TG582n / TG587n: 'View Router Log' button on Toobar now opens your web browser and, after login, goes to the router's Log page. TG582n / TG587n: Added two simple User-defined graphs. See 'Configuring RouterStats -> TG582/587' in the RouterStats help file. 6.8a 13 Oct 2012 Fixed bug preventing RouterStats correctly determining router IP addresses when there were three digits in the two right-most Octets. 6.8 14 Jun 2012 Added Logging for TG582n/587n v2. Changed telnet 'ifconfig' command to be compatible with other Broadcom routers. For Broadcom routers with 'full' Bits/Tone data: Added additional graph to monitor SNR values of up to four individual tones. Cosmetic change: Option to overlay (or not) RouterStats version number on WebServer images. 6.7g 14 Apr 2012 Replaced 'missing' sub-division tick marks on downstream Noise Margin vertical axis. 6.7f 10 Apr 2012 F1 now invokes the Help file. Added Technicolor TG582n to Configuration options. (Mainly cosmetic as it's the same as selecting the TG587n). 6.7e 16 Mar 2012 Cosmetic change: Added option to change the graphs' grid colour. (Config | Graphs | Common Setings) 6.7d 05 Mar 2012 Thomson TG587n v2: Minor change to 'Login' details in Configuration window. (The TG587n v2 uses telnet instead of http and the login configuration is now more intuitive). 6.7c 06 Feb 2012 Added facility to trigger an Alarm daily at a specified time. The action taken (reboott router, launch external script etc) is determined by the "Alarm Actions" settings. 6.7b 15 Nov 2011 Updated 'Minimize to Systray' and 'Close to Systray' code. Added Biliion 7800N INI file to "other Routers" folder. 6.7a 30 Oct 2011 Ping graph now works when Ping Data Window returns non-English text. 6.7 21 Sep 2011 ST585 configuration wasn't picking up Downstream Noise and Sync values for Alarms. Minor cosmetic changes in the way some controls are enabled depending on router selection. 6.6e 27 Jul 2011 As version 6.6d but works with two different alternative data formats. 6.6d 27 Jul 2011 Some Broadcom routers display their Telnet data slightly differently preventing RouterStats from displaying the Connection Speed and Max Sync Rate correctly in the Telnet Summary Window. Added a checkbox to the Configure Telnet -> Experimental Page to allow RouterStats to work with the alternative display format. (See this forum post: ) 6.6c 06 Jul 2011 Fixed bug preventing 'Capture graphs when RouterStats closes' (Scheduled Capture) from saving images when RouterStats closing was due to Scheduled Restart 6.6b 29 May 2011 ST585: Alarm Action 'Reboot router' now works if telnet is disabled in Bitloading Options. 6.6a 11 May 2011 Minor change to memory management when capturing graphs. (Changed Free to FreeAndNil). In Icon Font Configuration, added option to display whole numbers only: Can now select either 'Truncate' or 'Round to nearest integer'. Status Bar WAN uptime optionally shows interface type (ppp0, nas0) or 'generic' "WAN" 6.6 10 Dec 2010 Limited [Beta] support for the Thomson TG587n v2. HTTP access is unavailable until I can figure out how to get RouterStats to work with Cookies and the md5 hashing, but most functions except user- defined graphs are available through telnet. 6.5c 22 Nov 2010 Improved 'Restart' option. Can now set number of days before restart. 6.5b 10 Nov 2010 ST585: Telnet Logout on close now only occurs if logged in. Added option to restart RouterStats daily. May help with long-term unattended memory consumption. Graphs restart from scratch but part-page graph images are saved first (if capture option is set). Added Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) option to email. Some servers expect it when sending email. Fixed error when sending to Gmail SSL server (changed SSL code to handle versions 2 and 3). Added 'Default Port' button to email configuration. Webserver: added 'short log' option to only log the get.webpage request (not all the get.images). Reduced the number of System messages during HTTP login. 6.5a 26 Oct 2010 ST585: Fixed bug causing 'Out of memory' error after about 8 hours. 6.5 19 Oct 2010 ST585: Added two more user-defined graphs to work as an additional 'up/down pair'. Minor bug in Graph Capture Maintenance causing 'No schedule set' warning to be shown when not required. 6.4b 15 Oct 2010 DG834G v5: Reverted telnet Summary upstream/downstream error values to pre-version 6.2 as I had them the right way round in the first place. (Confusion over Near and Far) 6.4a 14 Oct 2010 DG834G v3 and v5: Two upstream log entries were logging the wrong graphs. 6.4 11 Oct 2010 DG834: More work on catching invalid data in telnet summary window. Saving all telnet graphs y-axis max and min values on closedown is now optional. Added simple telnet 'Watchdog' timer with optional audible alarm. Telnet Summary window can, optionally, update data without visibly clearing the screen first. Simplified Bitswaps/Time graph options. Previously causing problems with scrolling. Improved telnet 'inactivity timeout' and made available when using DGTeam firmware (not V5). 'Get router's Log' button was sometimes causing RouterStats to hang. All: Saving HTTP Upstream Noise and Upstream Sync graphs y-axis values on closedown is now optional. Updated 'Copy graph to Log' button. Log entries now follow the same format as the main log. Fixed intermittent bug in the "Expected IP Profile" item in the HTTP & Telnet Rx Sync graphs' context menu. 6.3c 04 Oct 2010 DG834v2/3: Bitswaps/Time graph was not scrolling horizontally. Bitswaps/Tone graph was not auto-adjusting vertically. Added Max, Min & Average values to Ping Graph's popup menu. Improved error trapping around telnet Max Attainable Rate and telnet user-defined value extraction. 6.3b 28 Sept 2010 Mostly 'internal' (under the bonnet) changes to (hopefully) improve performance:- Removed 'Windows 7 Overlay Icon' support (sometimes causing program to hang on closedown). ST585: Telnet session wasn't being re-established after a router re-sync. Rewritten telnet code. No longer needs logout/login every couple of hours. Reduced memory usage. DG834: Reduced occurrences of invalid 'ifconfig' data in telnet Summary window (and affected graphs) and (hopefully) reduced the number of spurious spikes in the telnet Rx Noise graph. 6.3a 19 Sept 2010 Removed specific Windows 7 & Themes support as it was causing unpredictable visual effects. Telnet 'Connect' button was incorrectly being re-enabled when Configuration Window was closed. Added Toolbar Button for quick access to router's "Home Page" in your default browser. 6.3 19 Sept 2010 Added 'Windows Themes' support for Windows 7 (Turned on via a Config | System checkbox). Fixed bug causing Rx Noise value on Icons to be '0' when HTTP was disabled in telnet Experimental. Added option on "Configuration | System -> Font" to round values on icon to nearest whole number. Added 'Attenuation' checkbox option to: Config | Graphs | Capture Properties -> Overlay options. 6.2 17 Sept General clean-up and tidying up of loose code, especially with telnet access for the DG834 v1,2 & 3. These routers aren't behaving themselves at all well (for me) under Windows 7. Although they should be identical, my v3 works to some extent, my v2 works hardly at all (although the http access is ok in both). It makes it difficult for me to continue to support these models :=( DG834 v3: Changed telnet timing to try to improve telnet connection between RouterStats & the router. Windows 7, in particular, seems particularly slow to respond and sometimes stops responding altogether. Code to retrieve 'Extended Stats' made more robust. Added 'Max Rate' to Downstream and Upstream telnet Summary page. DG834 v5: Swapped over error stats in telnet summary window & graphs. (Upstream <-> Downstream). 'Near' and 'Far' seem to have been the wrong way round. Restricted Noise Margin figure on SysTray and Titlebar Icons to 1 decimal place to keep font-size acceptable. Fixed bug causing SysTray and Titlebar icons to display red if user-defined 2 plotting colour was set to the same colour as the Alarm colour or 'Router failed to respond' colour. SysTray and Titlebar icons can now be set to turn red either (a) if router loses internet connectivity (same as previously) or, now additionally, (b) on any alarm. 6.1d-1 13 Sept 2010 Fixed bug causing Telnet Rx Noise and Sync to be '0' if Extended stats checkbox wasn't checked. 6.1d 12 Sept 2010 ST585: User-defined graphs were not correctly evaluating numbers which contained more than one thousand separator. Opening and subsequently closing main Configuration was restoring an expanded timeline to normal without updating Toolbar Icon or Context menu 'Restore timeline' item. (It now leaves expanded timeline alone). 6.1c 11 Sept 2010 ST585: Downstream user-defined graph axis label wasn't correctly showing kB / MB when plotting 'Data Transferred'. DG834: Some telnet graphs were not resizing when main window was resized. Rx Noise (http) right axis green up arrow was not anchored to right hand side of graph. Telnet Rx Noise & Rx Sync graphs could extend beyond the right hand edge of the graph. Completely re-written scroll code. Prevented spurious plots on graph when 'Connect' and 'Refresh' buttons were pressed. 6.1b 08 Sept 2010 Upstream Noise Margin graph (http) wasn't remembering Max value when RouterStats was closed. Improved (hopefully) the way the graphs' vertical axis adjusts: Added "Adjust vertical axis automatically" context menu item to HTTP graphs to be consistent with telnet graphs. (Upstream Noise & Sync can now also be auto or manual instead of always auto.) All graphs (except bitloading) now have a green triangle indicator to show if plotted value is above the displayed scale. (When automatic adjustment has been disabled). The default action is for the vertical axis of all graphs to adjust automatically. RouterStats will occasionally pick up a spurious value which can cause the vertical axis to adjust to an unnecessarily large value. RouterStats will NOT automatically re-adjust the axis 'downwards' to a more sensible value. This is done deliberately so that the unusually high value will not be lost off the top of the graph, thus 'evading' being caught on a captured image. If you prefer the scale to re-adjust to more reasonably match the last plotted value, a new 'checkable' menu item has been added. Unusually large values will then be lost off the top of the chart but the more reasonable scale will allow more "detail" to be seen in the normal values. The Noise Margin value on the SysTray Popup box had grown several extra decimal places. Added remainder of graphs (DG834 and ST585) to Toolbar 'Copy to clipboard' button. (RouterStats now exceeds 25,000 lines of code!) 6.1a 02 Sept 2010 Fixed bug in cosmetic change in v6.1 causing thousand separator to be added wrongly to decimal numbers. DG834: Changed default maximum y-axis value of all telnet charts to 10. Fixed bug causing some telnet charts to forget their y-axis values when RouteRStats was closed. 6.1 01 Sept 2020 DG834: Current version of DGTeam firmware was showing incorrect SF Error values.(DGTeam firmware shows the SF Error data in a number of different ways which was preventing RouterStats finding it). Changed code to help keep all graphs scrolling in sync horizontally. (Telnet graphs were gradually getting out of alignment with http graphs). Added two new telnet User-defined graphs - values are defined from the Downstream and Upstream panes in the telnet Summary Window. The existing graphs can plot many of the values but the user-defined may be useful to pick up two of the remaining ones. All main telnet graphs can now select whether or not to adjust y-axis automatically. (occasional spurious values can cause the axis to have an unnecessarily large maximum value when Auto is selected.) ST585: Improved error trapping around http code for retrieving IP address to help prevent Access Violation error. Added 250ms delay between ST585 Logout and Login (during 'telnet session refresh' procedure. If router was a bit slow responding, old session was hanging and preventing new session from connecting). Modified code to accommodate latest O2 firmware ( (Bandwidth figures showing incorrectly). Each graph now has its own "Make available to webserver" right-click context menu item. Separating the webserver capture from the main Scheduled Capture funtion should make them both easier to manage. Cosmetic: Added thousand separator to Toolabr values (Rx Sync and both http User-defined). Changed some variable types to use slightly less memory. 6.0c 10 Aug 2010 DG834: Fixed bug causing Rx Total and Tx Total graphs to stop plotting at router's 4GB limit instead of rolling over to zero. Bug also affected Rx and Tx Incremental plots and RouterStats' Log entries. Telnet Rx Noise graph and Rx & TX Totals graphs: Horizontal grid lines can be now be aligned with either left or right axis by clicking on the appropriate axis. (When both axes are displayed.) ST585: Added 'Reboot Router' to Alarm Actions options. User-defined graphs can now plot Data Received and Data Sent (working around a bug in the Thomson firmware). Added right-click context menu to main Status Bar to conveniently Stop/Start the web server and to enable/disable Logging without needing to open the main Configuration window. 6.0b 29 July 2010 DG834G v4/GT Changed code for WAN Bytes Transferred (in telnet Extended Stats) to allow for differences between DGTeam and 'Official' firmware. 6.0a 23 July 2010 DG834 v5 - Configuration -> Graphs no longer jumps to 'Capture properties' Tab when Appy/Save button is pressed or when RouterStats closes and re-opens. 6.0 19 July 2010 ST585 - Added Scheduled Capture, Capture Now and Webserver to Bitswaps/Tone and Bitwaps/Time graphs. DG834 series - Telnet Terminal Window is now remembered when RouterStats closes. - Fixed bug causing DGTeam firmware to return the wrong Upstream SF Error count on telnet Summary page. 5.9d 19 May 2010 Modified start-up code to try to catch "Invalid Date/Time" error on startup on some systems. ******* It may be necessary to delete the existing RouterStats.INI file if you're upgrading ******* Improved error trapping for ST585 Telnet when the router fails to respond to RouterStats. Fixed error in Bits/Tone graph Left Axis caption. (Only affected webserver image filename). Modified shut-down code to try to stop RouterStats occasionally 'hanging'. Telnet Rx Noise Graph's Popup menu was showing incorrect Max, Min and Average values under some circumstances. Fixed bug in ST585 User-defined-1 and User-defined-2 'plot difference between each sample' graphs. 5.9c 25 Mar 2010 Fixed bug causing Access Violation when 'Begin a new log each day' was selected and time crossed midnight. Changed Windows 7 "Overlay Icon" to a checkbox option on the Configuration -> System Tab. (Default is OFF) Changed Icon's font selection from the generic 'Font dialogue' to a "purpose built" dialogue. DG834: Switching between SNR and SNR Margin on the Bits & SNR/Tone graph now recalculates the values from the existing data instead of performing a refresh. SNR Margin now calculated as floating point numbers instead of integers. Cosmetic: SNR and SNR Margin plots can now be stepped or ramped. (_||_ or _/\_ ) 5.9b 20 Mar 2010 Added option to the Log format so that the log has a 'header' and the various labels are then omitted from each line of the log. Telnet Bits/Tone refresh - reverted to timing used prior to version 5.9 as data was being lost on the Summary page. 5.9a 18 Mar 2010 Added adjustable 1 ~ 30 second delay to 'Start sample timer automatically'. When RouterStats is opened from the Windows Startup Folder, it seems to be up and running before Windows has established the PC-router connection. This new delay is to allow Windows to complete its startup before RouterStats starts sampling. User-def 2 'Copy-to-clipboard' was incorrectly copying user-def 1 graph (Toolbar button & right-click menu). Windows 7 Taskbar Icons do not share the Application's main Icon in the way previous versions of Windows do. Added "Taskbar Overlay Icon" for Noise Margin (if 'Show noise margin on icons' is selected). (Taskbar Overlay Icon is not available when 'Use small icons' is selected in Windows Taskbar Properties). DG834: Bits/Tone graph can now be resized vertically. Removed 'Widescreen' checkbox as it was causing some "Access Violation" errors. Improved layout of Bitloading graphs' options page. Added option to not refresh bitloading graphs while RouterStats is minimized to Tray (Bitswap counts will not be maintained during this time but will conserve a lot of memory). Fixed problem with not extracting correct SF Error count from latest DGTeam firmware. ST585: Improved initial (undefined) behaviour of User-defined Toolbar text. Added more system messages for telnet login to the Messages window. Grouped existing telnet timing options on a new Options tab and added a few other options. Telnet can now be started independently, if desired, with Connect/Disconnect buttons. Changed Messages window from Listbox to Textbox to allow for easier copying of messages. Removed memory usage indicator from SysTray hint as it seemed to be inaccurate and was itself using memory. Fixed issues with some items "disappearing" when RouterStats was resized due to them being "tied" to the wrong edge of the RouterStats window. 5.8c 01 Mar 2010 Removed option to display Netgear Bitswaps/Tone dots on the Bits & SNR / Tone graph. Bitswaps/Tone plot now has it's own graph. (This change may help to improve the memory usage). Bits & SNR / Tone graph can now, optionally, display SNR/Tone or SNR Margin/Tone. Cosmetic change: 'Expected IP profile' info. on Rx Sync graphs is now disabled on LLU lines. Sample interval can now be set to as low as 1 second. (Not recommended). Fixed bug preventing 'Widescreen' checkbox working when 'Make available to webserver' checkbox was checked. (Netgear Bits/Tone graph). Fixed bug causing Windows 98se (and earlier) to give "Missing dll" error. 5.8b 18 Jan 2010 Fixed bug preventing Tx Noise, Rx Sync Speed and Tx Sync Speed from Logging (Thomson ST585). 5.8a 12 Jan 2010 Added 'Swap Plots (Rx Noise & Average)' to telnet Rx Noise graph (Netgear). Graphs can now be dragged horizontally before a 'full' page has been plotted when "Expand Timeline" has been selected. 5.8 10 Dec 2009 Email can now use SMTP servers which require an SSL connection (tested with gmail). Email attachments now have the same overlay options as the main graph-capture options. 5.7f 18 Nov 2009 Changed the way invalid telnet data is plotted and logged. Added "Include in Log" menu items to RxTotals & Incremental and TxTotals & Incremental graphs. 5.7e 11 Nov 2009 Fixed bug causing non-netgear routers to forget the Login URL when using the "DG834 (G, GT) v1,2, 3, 4" radio button configuration option. Changed code to allow "Other routers" option full access to the telnet facilities. This allows non-Netgear routers to have all six HTTP "search text" options AND full experimental telnet access. Please note that the "other router" MUST still have the same AR7, Broadcom or Conexant chipset as the netgears. Fixed bug affecting user-defined graphs y-axis labels when "scaling factor" was reduced back to x1. 5.7d 31 Oct 2009 Added "Uptime from Superframe count" to DG834G v3. Added vertical line 'marker' to http graph plots to indicate where the timeline is non-contiguous (usually because the PC is hibernating with RouterStats still running). Not telnet. Added "scaling factor" for User-defined graphs and Noise Margin graphs. 5.7c 21 Oct 2009 Fixed bug preventing IP Address being retrieved in DG834G v5 telnet. Made telnet compatible with the US RObotics 9108 and added code to cater for comma-separated decimal values on the Bitloading SNR and Attenuation graphs. DG834G-series and GT: Rx and Tx Bytes Transferred graphs can now adjust left and right hand axes separately. Thomson 585: Completely re-written the code for marking the two User-defined values. See help file: 5.7b 02 Oct 2009 Fixed bug introduced in last version affecting 585 Bitloading graph display. 5.7a 30 Sept 2009 Added 250msec delay in the DG834G v5 when retrieving telnet 'ifconfig' stats. Fixed 'Supeframe' typo. Fixed positioning error of ADSL trained mode (Interleave on/off) label when resizing main window. 5.7 27 Sept 2009 Added "Maintenance" option to Configuration -> Graphs -> Capture to delete captured images after a set number of days. In addition to using the Shift and Alt keys when dragging to adjust a graph's vertical axis, using the Ctrl key will determine whether the right axis also scrolls (on graphs which have a right axis). Not as intuitive as I would like but it's how it's evolved from previous versions! Added option to over-ride automatic start by holding down Shift Key while opening RouterStats. (overcomes the problem of being unable to open RouterStats easily if set to autostart minimized and you have changed the router's password). DG834(G) v4, GT: Total UpTimes (from SF count) were not being displayed during first 15 minutes of powering up the router. DG834G v5: Worked on problem with picking up spurious SNR and Sync values (spikes & dips) (especially telnet). The v5 seems particularly troublesome for some reason. Still not perfect but hopefully better. Captured images can now append Unix time instead of Windows-formatted time (requested). 5.6h 17 Sept 2009 Auto detect Annex M (ST585). Corrected bug in WAN uptime on StatusBar and Captured graph overlay for DG834(G) v5. Added "WAN Uptime" to logging options. 5.6g 07 Sept 2009 ST585 - Added facility to send telnet commands to router from a script file. 5.6f 03 Sept 2009 Improved plotting for DG834-series telnet graphs to reduce spurious dropouts. (esp. AR7 series). Added Superframe count to telnet summary page for DG834(G) v4 and GT. Improved formatting of "Router Stats Page" when copied as text. Added System 'Restore Defaults' button for the ST585. DG834-series: Changed style of bitswaps/time graph to improve appearance. Added option to plot bitswap totals on a separate graph. 5.6e 28 August 2009 Added "View Router's Log" for the Thomson 585. 5.6d 27 August 2009 Fixed bug causing ST585 Acces violation error when run for the first time. DG834G - 'Show Router Log' can now display log entries in reverse order. 5.6c 25 August 2009 ST585 Bug Fixes and additions: Fixed problem with repeated telnet login with the ST585. Fixed problem with downstream sync graph showing zero (ST585). Added bitswap graphs (histograms). StatusBar now shows WAN IP address. Worked round bug in router so "Router Stats Page" now shows WAN Data Transferred and improved appearance of Stats Page. 5.6b 19 August 2009 "Router Stats Page" can be saved as an image. ADSL2+ Uptime calculation improved for greater accuracy (Now adjusts automatically for variations in the length of a superframe (msec)). Telnet graphs' current max and min values are saved when RouterStats closes. Fixed bug causing Rx Noise Margin graph to adopt sync speed scale when "overlay sync speed" was checked. Related issue: Fixed bug when, after clicking on right-hand scale in order to align horizontal grid- lines with right axis, closing right axis (No sync speed overlay) would leave graph without any horizontal grid lines. Now, they automatically re-align with left axis. 5.6a 15 August 2009 I've tried to improved accuracy of Telnet Uptimes for ADSL2+. G.DMT is already accurate. Fixed problem with graphs not resizing during capture. Improved telnet code for the DG834(G) hopefully to reduce 'glitches' in telnet graphs. 5.6 05 August 2009 Added option to trigger Alarm if Ping returns 100% packet loss a configurable number of times. Added adjustable delay (1 sec to 300 secs) before executing telnet script after an alarm event. (Could be used to reset target snr after a reboot, for example). Bits/Tone graph now works with 585 v6. Added a Telnet Summary page for the 585. Minor cosmetic changes to Telnet Summary page (improved formatting on >10,000 kbps Rates). 5.5 30 July 2009 Added Bits/tone graph for Thomson 585 v6 and v7. Minor cosmetic changes to Rx MByes and Tx MBytes Tabs. (Title changes for ppp0 and nas0). Removed redundant 'missing username or password' warning. 5.4e 21 July 2009 Fixed bug causing Logout URL to be not remembered. 5.4d 12 July 2009 Fixed bug preventing 'Ping' from working. Added additional preset Telnet commands and two user-defined in Terminal window. 5.4c 10 July 2009 Fixed bug affecting vertical scrolling of Bits/Tone graph. Added specific http support for Thomson 585v7 (not telnet). Should now plot Up and Down Noise Margins and Connection Rates more reliably. (See also ) 'View Router Log' now works with the DG834(G) v5. Sync Speed overlay on Downstream Noise Margin graph now begins with same Max and Min as main Sync Speed graph (although it may auto-adjust when required). When Sync Speed is overlayed on Noise Margin graph, the graph's horizontal grid lines can be aligned with either the left-hand or right-hand scale by clicking on the appropriate scale. Added System option to reduce RouterStats priority to "Below Normal". Added "Reset Stats" to telnet Summary page to reset the *router's* ADSL stats. 5.4b 25 June 2009 Tried to work around bug in how the Broadcom chipset reports interleaving with ADSL2+ (Mode always seems to be 'Fast'). Added "ADSL2+" button to allow Bits/Tone graph to plot tones 0-255, 256-512 or 0-512. Easier to land the mouse on individual tones without having to use the "Widescreen" checkbox. Fixed bug preventing G.DMT and ADSL2+ radio buttons from overriding Auto setting for bits/tone graph. If HTTP upstream Noise and Sync graphs are dragged vertically with the Mouse (plus the Shift or Alt Key), the new scale Max and Min values will be saved when RouterStats is closed. (Reminder: Shift Key = whole scale scrolls. Alt Key = Minimum value is fixed). Telnet Summary Page should now detect WAN IP address with ADSL2+. Fixed bug causing "Access violation error" when using the daily schedule timer to reset "rx and tx bytes transferred totals" graphs. 5.4a 11 June 2009 Fixed bug causing User-def 2 log entry label to be the same as User-def 1 (actual value was ok) 5.4 07 June 2009 Added option to change SMTP email port number. Graphs can now be captured in JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format. Graph Viewer - added splitter bar between file list and image window to allow resizing. Graph Viewer now shows filename extension. 5.3 01 June 2009 Horizontal grid lines on Bits/Tone graph can be aligned with the left or right axis numbers (by clicking on the axis). A new Tab has been added with a 'Ping Plotter'. (Accessed from Configuration -> System). 5.2e 27 May 2009 SNR/Tone right axis title did not correspond with "Show bitswap totals..." checkbox. Added facility to stretch Bits/Tone graph (widescreen) to make it easier to land the mouse on individual tones. Most beneficial with ADSL2+. 5.2d 23 May 2009 Fixed bug causing RouterStats to forget ADSL2+ setting (when 'discovered' through Mode: Auto) for Bits/Tone graph. 5.2c 21 May 2009 Added 'View Source' to "Router Stats Page" popup menu. Added 'adslctl info --stats' to Telnet command options. Added WAN "Rx Bytes Transferred" and "Tx Bytes Transferred" graphs to their respective Tabs (telnet). 5.2b 11 May 2009 Fixed bug affecting Telnet Prompt symbol for the D-Link 2640B ('>' not being remembered). *** Users of Non-Netgear routers will need to check and reset the Telnet Prompt on the Experimental Tab if they're using the telnet features of RouterStats. *** Fixed bug affecting AR7 chipset not being remembered (Experimental tab). Added code to SNR/Tone button on the Terminal window for the DG834(G) v1, 2 and 3 (AR7 chipset). 5.2a 10 May 2009 Telnet error graphs for the DG834(G) v5 can now monitor 15-minute, 24-hour totals or since reboot. Tidied up how the graphs scroll vertically and added a facility to 'pin' the vertical axis minimum value while scrolling allowing the vertical scale to be temporarily expanded or compressed. Added option to generate web images without running webserver - for people who run their own server. 5.2 08 May 2009 Added Telnet support for the DG834(G) version 5 (Conexant chipset). 5.1e 06 May 2009 Fixed bug preventing DG834G V5 from working. 5.1d 04 May 2009 Added option to attach router's log to scheduled email. Added a "Send Email" button to the router's log window. The button can send the log as the email message body or as an attachment. Fixed bug preventing the RouterStatstats log from being attached to emails. Added facility to have Bitswaps/Time graph's timeline to be the same time as other graphs even when the graph's refresh rate is different. Some cosmetic changes to Bitswaps/Time plots. Added Expand/Restore Timeline to Bitswaps/Time graph popup menu. 5.1c 01 May 2009 Added HTTP support for the DG834(G) version 5 (No telnet). 5.1b 30 April 2009 Removed facility to selelct DG834v5 from configuration section as it was preventing the use of a non-standard IP address. 5.1a 29 April 2009 Fixed bugs in Bitswap/Time Capture and in YAxis Auto Adjust. 5.1 28 April 2009 Consolidated bug fixes and additions from version 5.0c through to 5.0f1. Bits loading graphs now have a separate sample timer to allow their interval to be set longer than the other graphs. This should conserve a large amount of memory. Bitloading graph is now more robust at ignoring "bad" values from router. Added checkbox on Graphs Configuration page to make vertical scrolling optional. Any graph can also be scrolled vertically by holding down the Shift Key while dragging. Added some new cursors to indicate which way graphs can be dragged. Made the overlays consistent in the various graph capture and save options. All methods of capturing a graph now use the overlay checkboxes on the Configuration page. Rounded Rx-Noise figure on graph capture overlays to work better with the 'GT. Changed relative "layers" of SNR and Bits plots on the bitloading graph - the first vertical rise in the red SNR plot was obscuring the first blue downstream bit plot. Added support for routers which don't require a Username to Log in. 5.0f 24 April 2009 Fixed bug affecting View Router Log when used with a new configuration file. 5.0e 24 April 2009 Fixed bug preventing graphs scrolling left under some circumstances. Added code to try to prevent mouse wheel scrolling graphs due to operating system bug. Fixed rounding error with Rx-Noise on Toolbar with non-Netgear routers using "Disable HTTP" Changed some default INI file settings. Fixed bug in calculation for Telnet Noise and Telnet Sync Averages graphs. 5.0d 21 April 2009 Added option to NOT scale bitswap totals on graph. Points can go off the top of the graph which can be scrolled vertically to view them. (Frequently, only one tone has an excessive number of bitswaps). Bitswap points no longer leave a "trail" - points off the top will leave a green triangle/arrow. Modified DGTeam login code to try to catch 'Connection Closed Gracefully' error message. Some cosmetic changes and a bug fix (List index out of bounds error) to Bits/Tone graph. Suppressed "Get IP address" error message (not necessary). Added menu item to router-log window to specifically select DG834N to clean up displayed text. Fixed bug causing some graph plots to be visible below bottom axis. Added facility to drag some graphs vertically (as well as horizontally where required). Added option to sample Bits/Tone and Bitswaps/Time graphs less frequently than the other graphs. This should help to reduce memory usage. Truncated Rx-Noise figure on Toolbar to 2 characters for non-Netgear routers. Removed erroneous 'PPPoA' legend on StatusBar with non-Netgear routers. 5.0c 12 April 2009 Added Line Attenuation curve to the Bits/Tone graph. (v4 and GT only). Improved bitswap code to reduce invalid data being plotted. Modified the telnet Log code to eliminate the zero glitches (as per 5.0b for the graphs). Rx & Tx Noise values (http & Telnet) are formatted better for the log entries. Fixed bug preventing Rx Sync appearing on Toolbar when "Disable HTTP" is checked. Fixed problem with graphs not plotting during Alarm wait period. Hopefully fixed bug causing alarm to trigger in error when first hitting the Run button. 5.0b 5 April 2009 Reworked telnet graphing code for Noise and Sync to try to eliminate the zero glitches. Fixed bug preventing Telnet IP address from changing from default. Connect button on Terminal window does not now initiate an auto-refresh. The window now correctly sits at the BusyBox prompt (bug introduced in earlier version). 5.0a 1 April 2009 Option to add the Bits/Tone graph to the normal page-capture schedule. Option to capture the Bits/Tone graph immediately before and after a "Bitswap event". Option to graph a "histogram" of bitswap totals for each tone. Tones that have bitswapped from previous plot are plotted in fuchsia. Added Bitswaps/Time graph to plot when bitswaps occur. When using telnet with non-Netgear routers, the Total Uptime (as derived from telnet) will be displayed on the Statusbar. The format will always be 'days, hr:min:sec' Added "Save As..." to System Messages window. Added additional error tracing code and added checkbox to suppress System Error Messages if desired. Fixed bug preventing Uptime in 'days, hr:min:sec' format going above 12 days. Fixed bug preventing Bits/Tone graph from being refreshed under some circumstances. Fixed bug causing Socket Error when "Router ppp session has disconnected" checkbox was checked. 5.0 Not Released. 4.9c 20 Mar 2009 Added option to show Statusbar WAN uptime as days, hr:min:sec (via System Configuration checkbox). 4.9b 20 Mar 2009 DG834(G) V4 and GT now calculate Total Up Time (Telnet) from the superframes count (SF * 17 Not sure if this applies to ADSL2+ ). Added some debug messages to the main System Message window to try to catch why the router sometimes returns a 0 Noise and Sync value. 4.9a 26 Feb 2009 Added SNR/Tone graph for the DG834(G) v1, 2 and 3. I'm not too sure how the SNR/Tone values are derived from the figures presented by the router. Although I think the values plotted on the graph are correct, I cannot guarantee them. I would welcome any feedback on this. Added option for SNR/Tone graph to use its own scale. 4.9 23 Feb 2009 Added Bits/Tone graph for DGTeam firmware - ****NOTE**** MUST use DGTeam f/w version 0849 or later. Added Bits/Tone for DG834(G) v1, v2 and v3. (Thanks to WWWombat for finding the telnet commands). 4.8 12 Feb 2009 Hopefully fixed bug preventing Sync alarms working. 4.7h 17 Jan 2009 Added optional enable-telnet command which may work with other routers such as the DG632. 4.7g 11 Jan 2009 Changed date/time format for scheduled email. (Invalid date/time error). Changed date/time format for log maintenance schedule. (Invalid date/time error). Added drop-down list of computer IP addresses for web server. 4.7f 23 Nov 2008 Changed DGTeam default username to 'admin' (in line with DGTEam firmware 0841 change). Added command-line feature to override "Start Automatically" and "Start Minimized" checkboxes to allow RouterStats to open in "Safe Mode" (See help file). Fixed bug causing Floating Point Error when Telnet was enabled but no graphs were selected for plotting. 4.7e 16 Nov 2008 Added facility to set the size of the Captured images as a percentage of the screen graph size or as width & height in pixels. Added printer support. Some cosmetic changes to the popup menus. Added more code to 'timeout and retry feature'. 4.7d 13 Nov 2008 Added telnet valid-data 'timeout and retry feature'. Sometimes, if the router or the LAN is busy, telnet requests are ignored by the router (or only partial data is retrieved). This feature may alleviate the effects of this and reduce the number of spurious zero "spikes" on the telnet graphs. Default is for this feature to be enabled. (The HTTP protocol is inherently protected from this to a larger extent). 4.7c 11 Nov 2008 Added command line switch ( -safe) to allow RouterStats to open in "Safe Mode". This will ignore 'Start Automatically' and 'Start Minimized' checkboxes and will not start the web server or attempt to access the network. Fixed bug when dragging locked-together graphs. 4.7b 08 Nov 2008 Downstream Sync Speed overlay has created a bug when calculating averages. Hopefully fixed. Added overlay to telnet Rx Noise graph. Added "Capture ALL marked graphs now" button to Toolbar. 4.7a 05 Nov 2008 Added option to overlay downstream sync speed on downstream noise margin graph. This allows the two most important values to be seen at a glance and captured on a single graph. 4.7 02 Nov 2008 Moved experimental telnet to its own Telnet Tab: (Tested extensively with D-Link DSL-2640b and 2740b). Added options to change telnet port, telnet prompt, chipset and command-set. Added option to disable HTTP access entirely and use an independent telnet IP address. Rx Noise on Icon, Rx Noise & Rx Sync on Toolbar and WAN IP address obtained from telnet in this case. Added option to force RouterStats to display 255 or 510 tones (ADSL or ADSL2+) on bits/tone graph. Added optional marker points to telnet SNR graph (Easier to click on for Tone details panel). Regional decimal separator now detected automatically (with option to override). User-defined graphs now handle comma decimal separator better. Modified Logging code so that log entry format is consistent across http and telnet. Fixed bug in Bits/Tone graph causing details panel to show one tone out. Fixed bug causing "Capture Now" to reset the scheduled capture page counter. 4.6e 26 oct 2008 Mainly cosmetic: Improved the Scheduled Capture configuration by eliminating the 'Never' radio button. 4.6d 26 Oct 2008 Added Downstream and Upstream Max Rate figures to Telnet Summary Page (DG834(G) v4 and DG834GT). Added Font selection for Telnet Summary page and terminal window. Changed code for telnet summary page and terminal windows. Now only display scrollbars if required. Added option to capture a daily one-off single page of the selected graphs at a specified time. Camera Icons for scheduled and one-off times added to telnet graphs. Fixed "floating" Extended Stats checkbox when RouterStats was resized. 4.6c 24 Oct 2008 Added option to set the font size for the Noise Margin value on the SysTray Icon. Changed code around telnet graphs' vertical axes to allow zero to be more clearly visible above the bottom baseline. Fixed bug causing 'invalid floating point operation' when a time value was chosen as marked text. 4.6b 09 Oct 2008 Fixed bug causing an 'invalid floating point operation' error in some circumstances. Fixed bug preventing graphs being plotted when router doesn't respond (regardless of checkbox setting). Fixed bug in 'Expected profile' when Connection Speed was at band edges. Delayed Telnet plotting by one sample. This "spreads the cpu load" and prevents a zero value being plotted as the first point (which was upsetting the average value on the telnet popup menu). Telnet Connect/Disconnect works with better co-ordination between main Start/Stop buttons and 'manual' telnet connect/disconnect buttons. Default experimental telnet username ('root') can now be changed via an input box instead of editing the INI file. 4.6a 06 Oct 2008 (Withdrawn - buggy) 4.6 06 Oct 2008 Added the option to plot average values for Rx Noise, Rx Sync and the two user-defined graphs. The averages are "rolling averages" over an adjustable number of samples. The rolling average value on the popup menu is now based on the number of samples configured here. (Config-> Graphs -> Extras) Added option to automatically adjust the vertical axes of the Rx Noise and Rx Sync Speed graphs in addition to the two User-defined graphs. Cosmetic changes: Graphs' popup menu shows 'dB' or 'Kbps' where appropriate. Added 'Configure Graphs' to popup menu. Duplicates 'Configure' button but always opens configuration on the graphs configuration page. 4.5c 02 Oct 2008 Fixed bug introduced in v 4.5 which prevented the HTML "Get Page" display from accepting valid marked text. 4.5b 02 Oct 2008 Changing the configuration IP address of any one of: Login URL, LogOut URL or ReBoot URL, automatically changes the other two. 4.5a 29 Sept 2008 Added "Expected IP profile" to Downstream Connection Speed popup menu. 4.5 21 Sept 2008 Added a second "Use source" checkbox which retrieves the stats page source code differently. May be useful as an alternative "Mark Text" page and enables RouterStats to work with additional routers. 4.4 20 Sep 2008 Added checkbox to allow router to login to telnet, bypassing the Netgear "debug" method. Allows telnet to work with some other routers. Added code to help problem with RouterStats appearing "off screen" when switching computer from dual to single monitor. RouterStats now always opens on Primary monitor. Fixed bug preventing "manual" User-defined graphs maximum going beyond 100. 4.3 26 Aug 2008 The two User-defined graphs can either plot the "raw" data extracted from the router or plot the difference between successive sample values. This will allow "value per sample" to be plotted instead of simply a cumulative total. Option settable via Radio Buttons when initially "Marking" Added support for DGTeam firmware (tested with the GT) which requires a separate telnet login. Currently, the bits/tone graph is not plotted and the "Adjust Target SNR" feature seems none too accurate. Added simple maintenance for logfile: Trim to a specified number of lines, daily at a specified time. 4.2 14 Aug 2008 Added optional Max and Min settings for the y-axes of the two User-defined graphs with checkboxes to select "Auto". 4.1 20 Jul 2008 Added new alarm triggers: Noise Margin has dropped below an adjustable average of the last xx samples. Noise Marging has risen above an adjustable average of the last xx samples. 'xx' is configurable from 10 to 1000 samples. (These alarms should ignore gradual expected changes in SNR such as at night and in the morning but will trigger on sudden unexpected changes) For Netgear DG834 series: Alarm when PPP session has dropped. Added new alarm action: Write to Log. As every sample is no longer (necessarily) written to the log (see below), this facility has been added to log data when an alarm occurs. Added new log functions: Data can be logged at intervals other than at the default setting of every sample. (Adjustable between 1 and 120 minutes). Log Noise Margin changes +/- a percentage of the average value of xx samples. For Netgear DG834 series: Log dropped PPP sessions. Added a "Splash Screen" as RouterStats now has a lot of configuration data to load from the INI file before it appears on the monitor screen. Trapped errors if logfile folder doesn't exist. 4.0c 01 Jul 2008 Fixed bug preventing emailed daily log from updating to current day. 4.0b 24 Jun 2008 Fixed issue with "Extended Stats" when no 'ppp0' port exists. 4.0a 23 Jun 2008 Fixed anomaly in how Telnet reports "Trellis" status with ADSL2+ 4.0 23 Jun 2008 The Netgear DG834 series of routers can use a new precise search function built into RouterStats to retrieve the Downstream and Upstream Noise Margins and Connection Speeds. The DG834 should be detected automatically but a new checkbox on the System configuration Tab allows the DG834 to be selected manually. This new function will eliminate the issue with the the DG834 where RouterStats loses track of the marked text as numerical values increase in "length". (FAQ Q1) Fixed bug preventing Telnet Rx Sync graph from plotting above 10,000 in some circumstances. Fixed bug where SNR per Tone wasn't always plotted correctly (DG834 v4). Fixed code where colour-change indicates Tx/Rx boundary in Bits per Tone graph with ADSL2+ (DG834 v4). 3.1g (Beta) Some computers don't dispaly the Telnet stats very well. This version uses slightly different Telnet code. I don't get the problem so it's difficult to fix! Added 'Select All' and 'Copy' to Search Text source code window. 3.1f 14 Jun 2008 Fixed bug preventing negative SNR values being plotted. Fixed bug causing graph axis error. Added FAQ to helpfile. 3.1e 13 Jun 2008 Added Log to webserver and ability to create a basic blocked list for unwanted IP addresses. Added checkbox to System Configuration for when the router uses the period (.) as the decimal separator but the Windows regional setting uses a comma. 3.1d 02 Jun 2008 Fixed bug causing FAST mode to be not detected in DG834GT. 3.1c 02 Jun 2008 Reworked code around snr/tones graph - now updates automatically with main sample timer. 3.1b 28 May 2008 Added code for ADSL2+ to bits/tone graph parsing. 3.1 19 May 2008 Telnet - Netgear V4: Added Interleave Depth to Summary Page. Added facility to set Target SNR. (was in later 3.0 Betas) Added new Tab to graph Bits/Tone and SNR/Tone. 3.0 (Beta) 12 May Increased maximum Sync Speed to 50,000. Telnet: Netgear v4: Can now read and plot error totals at intervals of 15 mins, 24 hours or since reboot. Telnet: Netgear v1,2 & 3: I've tried to add a similar facility as in the v4. 2.9b 29 Apr 2008 Fixed "Access Violation" bug on Telnet summary page popup menus. Added Down Arrow option to Run button to provide two types of delayed start. 2.9a 25 Apr 2008 Added additional option to "Capture graphs when RouterStats Closes" checkbox to only capture if more than a configurable number of points have been plotted. 2.9 25 Apr 2008 Added Telnet support for DG834(G) version 4 and DG834GT series routers. (includes ability to set target SNR (v4 and GT only)) Fixed bug causing telnet Rx Noise graph to pop up the wrong menu. Added checkbox on System Tab to always use UTC/GMT. ('UTC' appears on captured graphs). Added 'Copy To Clipboard' to graphs' pop-up menu. Added 'Select All' to Image Viewer popup menu. 2.8j 15 Feb 2008 Minor cosmetic changes. 2.8i 27 Jan 2008 Fixed bug where Tx Sync and Rx Sync weren't being saved correctly. Slightly changed TX Noise search-text code to accomodate a "difficult" router. 2.8h 09 Dec Fixed bug introduced in version 2.8g preventing telnet working. 2.8g 05 Dec Fixed bug causing error when RouterStats closes. Added LinksysWAG200G and Zoom X5v to Helpfile. 2.8f 22 Nov Fixed bug introduced in last version where graphs were captured in rapid succession after the first full graph. Added option to capture the part-page graphs when RouterStats is closed between full page captures. 2.8e 16 Nov Added checkbox to web server to prevent web access to server's subfolders. 2.8d 15 Nov Added facility to show Rx-Noise value on System Tray and main application Icons. Stopped "Router Stats Page" updating continually because of an apparent memory leak. Reworked code so RouterStats makes JPegs without saving temporary bitmaps. Trapped more potential errors if the router provides incorrect values. 2.8c 11 Nov Fixed bug causing "Address violation" error. Added progress bar during "save configuration" operation. 2.8b 8 Nov Added checkbox to force image filenames to lowercase for web server. Reduced chances of errors caused by webserver and sample timer accessing images at the same time. 2.8 6 Nov Added facility to only trigger alarm once during a prolonged alarm condition. Hopefully fixed bug causing an alarm to be triggered when the alarm condition was shorter than its delay timer. Added new WebServer facility to allow graphs to be viewed remotely on the internet. March - October: Moving House! I've moved to a house with a bad and very viariable Downstream SNR so I may, finally, be able to spend some more time on the alarm facilities in RouterStats and debug other issues which may become apparent when the router disconnects umpteen times within 20 minutes. 2.7h/i 11 Jan 2007 Prevented illegal characters (as filenames) being used in User-defined labels. 2.7g 09 Dec The Help file is no longer deleted when RouterStats closes. 2.7f 07 Dec Added current WAN Uptime to StatusBar (Netgear DG834(G)). Added "Save" buttons to save configuration at any time without closing RouterStats. 2.7d 20 Nov Corrected 'typo' in Telnet Summary. Was showing 'Connection Rate' text twice although displayed value was correct. 2.7c 14 Nov Changed the way window size and position is saved when RouterStats closes. 2.7b 12 Nov Improved router reboot routine. 2.7a 08 Nov Added "Transparency" (Alpha-Blend) option. 2.7 03 Nov Fixed bug causing "Send Now" (e-mail) not to work. Fixed bug causing Alarms to require Telnet to be checked for them to work. "Reboot Router" checkbox now remembered when RouterStats closes. More robust checking when sending e-mail before rebooting router. (Sending was sometimes getting cut short when remote server was slow. Added "per day" radio button to max reboots counter. Added .cmd to permissible file extensions for script execution. Added Test button. Added a "System messages" Tab (with option to hide it). This Tab provides a log showing RouterStats' internal "conversations" with itself. May assist future debugging. Included a new folder in the zip distribution. Currently contains a 'ready-to-run' .INI file for the Draytek 2600 (Thanks to Mike for that one). 2.6d 02 Nov Changed code to prevent invalid filename characters being entered when Date/Time formatting is used as part of filename. (log and Capture). 2.6b 29 Oct Modified x1000 scaling so only Rx Sync is scaled. (Tx Sync graph auto-adjusts the vertical axis) Fixed problem with Draytek routers using a blank password. 2.6a 25 Oct Added Total Bytes Transferred to Telnet summary page. 2.6 19 Oct Fixed bug causing telnet summary page and graphs to return incorrect values. Added "Netgear Search Text" Restore Defaults button. The System & Log tab was getting a bit crowded so I've given them a tab each. Marked text can be Time values - they won't be plotted on the graphs but will appear on ther Toolbar. 2.5g 12 Oct Added facility to use stats page souce code instead of HTML dispaly in order to 'mark' search text values. Primarily, this is for use with routers which use JavaScript to display their stats page. 2.5f 06 Oct Added "Send Now" button to test e-mail facility. Updated Help file. 2.5e 05 Oct Fixed bug preventing Rx sync graph plotting above 10,000 2.5d 04 Oct Increased Rx-Sync maximum to 20,000. 2.5c 25 Sep Added facility to show Login password in plain text to assist when having Login problems. Added facility to e-mail IP address if it changes (Netgear DG834(G) only). Optional "Mail" icon to notify when an e-mail has been sent. Option to open e-mail clent. 2.5b 24 Sep Added facility to change graph drawing colour when the router doesn't respond. This will allow "genuine" zero values to be distinguished from the router not responding. 2.5a 21 Sep Fixed bug causing main window to grab focus and move in front of the configuration window. Fixed bug causing RouterStats to grab focus from other applications when "closed-to-systray". More work to the Login routines - added more error messages to assist finding login failures. 2.5 19 Sep Added checkboxes to overlay current Rx-Sync and Rx-Noise values to captured graphs (in addition to IP address). Added prompt for y-axis labels when marking user-defined graphs for "training". Moved telnet terminal window onto its own Telnet Tab. Removed default login password as this was causing confusion to first-time users. A few people seem to have a problem initially getting RouterStats to connect with the router so I've spent some time trying to improve the login routines. The success of Telnet seems very variable and seems to depend on factors such as the speed of the computer and the ethernet hardware. There's no "handshaking" as such with Telnet so it can be difficult to know how the system is performing. I've taken the opportunity to try a few new techniques which might improve reliability. This is the first version which has had some limited testing with Windows Vista RC1 which seems to place higher demands on system hardware. I've included a few notes on using RouterStats with Vista in the helpfile. 2.4 10 Sep Fixed bug causing 'Get Page' button to retrieve the wrong page! 2.3b 04 Sep Added Telnet facility (Netgear DG834(G) only) to determine if ADSL MAX has Interleaving 'On' or 'Off'. 2.3a 03 Sep Ongoing bug fix with negative Telnet Rx figure. (One occasion when a bad BT line would be useful!) Router's Log now automatically scrolls to most recent entry. 2.3 02 Sep Added Toolbar button to display the router's internal log. NETGEAR DG834(G) only. Bug Fix: Adjusted Telnet Rx Noise retrieval code to allow for router error. 2.2b 20 Aug Added e-mail on alarm facility. 2.2a 20 Aug Reworked code to try to correct Netgear's problem with negative dB values. 2.2 18 Aug Added e-mail facility to e-mail a daily Log and the Rx Noise and Rx Sync Speed graphs. 2.1a 16 Aug Added facility to start a new log each day. 2.0 13 Aug Added facility to set number of points plotted per page. Add facility to expand and restore time axis. Fixed bug which caused unselected graphs to be captured if marked for scheduled capture. 1.9g 01 Aug Added 'Start minimized' checkbox. 1.9f 15 Jul Logout (if selected) added to application's Close routine. 1.9e 13 Jul Fixed bug causing Tx Noise graph to always return 0. 1.9d 13 Jul Minor bug fixes. Improved login procedure. 1.9c 11 Jul Added facility to attempt to work with routers which have decimal and thousands separators "reversed" by UK standards. Graphs can now be selected via menu item for adding to Log or not. Juggled with positions of "mark" buttons to make them correspond with graph's tabs. Upper tab and upper button = upload. Lower tab and lower button = download. 1.9 08 Jul Fixed problem with dragging locked graphs causing system error. Added capture facilities to Telnet graphs. Scheduled capture is set using a popup 'checkable' menu item. Added similar scheduled capture menu item to main graphs for compatibility and convenience. This simply 'mimics' the existing checkboxes. Tightened some code which may improve cpu usage. Fixed bug where selected telnet graphs were being plotted even when Telnet was not selected. 1.8.1 06 Jul Attempting to find on-going problem where RouterStats returns rubbish values under some conditions. Have re-worked http search code. IMPORTANT: Delete routerstats.ini and begin with default values. 1.8 06 Jul Added Tx Sync Speed graph. various minor bug fixes. 1.7 03 Jul Added 2nd User-defined graph. Added "Capture Now" to graph popup menus. Captured filenames now derived from y-axis lables. Date/time of captured filenames can be formatted. Fixed bug where viewer file list was not updating. Fixed bug preventing Tx Noise graph from scrolling. Added keyboard arrow navigation keys in viewer file list. Fixed bug preventing temp bitmap being deleted. 1.6c 01 Jul Telnet Rx Sync Graph - y-axis title corrected. Log features added: Date/time can be formatted. Values can be saved as CSV or TabSV. Tidied up some panel re-sizing problems. 1.6 30 Jun Added Upstream (Tx) Noise Graph. Fixed problem with Sync Alarms ignoring Delay timers. Released as full version. 1.5e 28 Jun Various cosmetic and small fixes. 1.5d 28 Jun Tx Interleaved FEC and Tx Interlaeved HEC not remembering checkbox. 1.5c 26 Jun Bug fixes: Cleared StatusBar filename when Log unchecked. Clear StatusBar if IP lookup fails. Fixed problem with 'camera' icons when form resized. 1.5b 25 Jun Added IP address lookup.(hard coded via INI file) 1.5 ?? Various bug fixed that I've forgotten. 1.4 ?? Kept 1.3e as stable version and released 1.4 with Alarm facilities. ............................................ 1.3e 21 Jun Modified auto-scaling for user-defined and telnet graphs. 1.3c/d 2- Jun Added more Telnet facilities. 1.2a 14 Jun Increased user-defined upper limit to 2,000,000. 1.2 8 Jun Improved Login code. Three attempts to Log in to reduce failures. Added experimental Telnet window. ONLY for DG834 and DG834G 1.1 4 Jun Improved text search code. Added router's stats page to main window. 1.0 2 Jun First release version.