The Domesday Book

A survey of England carried out in 1086 on the orders of William I (the Conqueror). It was officially known as "the description of England" but, by the middle of the 12th century, it was known by the name Domesday - that is: Doomsday, - when men face the record from which there is no appeal.

The most notable features of the Domesday survey are the amount of detail recorded and the speed of its accomplishment. The survey was carried out by seven commissioners, each working in a separate group of counties.

The survey gives a roll of the holders of land in each county and shows the size of the land, the number of farm workers, any mills, fishponds or other features and their value at the time.

The Domesday survey is regarded by most historians as the beginning of accurate records for English towns and villages. The Domesday Book is still on view to the public and is kept in London at the Public Records Office in Chancery Lane.

Jonathan Brusby is building a site based on Domesday entries at