The Indoor Unit Picaxe Code


The Indoor Unit Picaxe Code

This is the latest code but is subject to change. [10/03/2011]

Variable Assignment Table

Note: The code for the LCD is for an old serial backback that is no longer available. To help you convert the code to match the LCD you will be using, this page explains what the codes I've used actually do.

          ; Main Indoor (Receiver) Program.
          ; Receives data from outdoor unit, displays on LCD and passes data on to PC
          ; Also measures the barometric pressure (thanks to 'matherp')

        #PICAXE 18M2

          ; Variable Definitions (b2 to b5 are re-used for mBar code when they become available)

          symbol Quotient = b2
          symbol Fract = b3
          symbol SignBit = b4
          symbol Humidity = b5
          symbol HFract = b14
          symbol Dir = w5
          symbol DirLo = b10
          symbol DirHi = b11
          symbol Speed = w3
          symbol SpeedLo = b6
          symbol SpeedHi = b7
          symbol RainCountThisHour = b12
          symbol RainCountLastHour = b13
          symbol LCDRainWhole = b21
          symbol LCDRainFract = b22
          symbol LastOrThis = b23
          ; MCP3422 ADC variables

          symbol mb900 = 17429              ; ADC reading for 900Mbar, then add 72.288 counts per mbar
          symbol adj0 = 72
          symbol mBarADCValue = w0
          symbol adj1 = b4                  ; used to add 1 count every 4 mbar
          symbol adj2 = b5                  ; used to add 1 count every 24 mbar
          symbol mBar = w4
          ; Housekeeping variables

          symbol lastmbar = w8              ; Remember previous mBar reading
          symbol RiseFall = b18             ; Indicator for pressure rising or falling (up arrow or down arrow)
          symbol active = b19               ; Telltale shows activity on LCD screen
          symbol LCD_Status = b20           ; Is LCD Backlight on or off (0 or 1)?
          ; Hardware Definitions
          symbol Wireless = C.7             ; Incoming connection from Wireless receiver/decoder
          symbol Computer = C.2	            ; Outgoing serial connection to computer
          symbol LCD = pinC.5               ; Front-panel button to blank / unblank LCD backlight    
          symbol ClearRiseFall = pinC.0     ; Front-panel button to clear pressure 'rising / falling' indicator
          symbol LastOrThisSwitch = pinC.1  ; Front-panel button to display current or previous hour's rainfall
          hsersetup B9600_4, %10000 			         ; Use LCD Pin 1, no hserin 
                                                                 ; ByVac 20x4 IASI-2 Serial LCD 
          hi2csetup i2cmaster, %11010000, i2cfast, i2cbyte	 ; Initialize I2C for MCP3422 ADC chip.
          hi2cout (%00011000)                                    ; set MCP3422 for 16 bit continuous conversion

          pause 500
          hserout 0, (13) : pause 100           		 ; Initialize LCD
          hserout 0, (13) : pause 100
          hserout 0, (13) : pause 100
          pause 500

          hserout 0, ("ac50", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", 32, 32, 32, 32, 49, 42, 36, 32, 13)  ; Define down arrow character (char 10)

          hserout 0, ("ac1", 13)  			         ; Clear display
          pause 50                				
          hserout 0, ("acc", 13)                  	         ; Hide cursor
          hserout 0, ("ac81", 13, "ad ", $df, "C", 13)	         ; Print the headings
          hserout 0, ("ac88", 13, "admBar", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ac8e", 13, "adRH %", 13)
          hserout 0, ("acd5", 13, "ad", "dir", 13)               ; Print footings      	 
          hserout 0, ("acdc", 13, "ad", "mph", 13)       	 ;  
          hserout 0, ("ace3", 13, "ad", "mm", 13) 
          lastmbar = 0						 ; Initialize variables
          LastOrThis = "c"
  ; Main Loop


          ; Check if a front-panel switch is pressed. The Picaxe interrupt mechanism is
          ; almost permanently disabled due to the large number of serin and serout commands
          ; so sprinkling the program with 'gosub switches' to check the switch status is more
          ; effective that interrupts.
          gosub switches
          ; Get first group of values from outdoor unit via 433MHz radio link. 

          serin Wireless, N2400, ("t"), SignBit, Quotient, Fract, Humidity, HFract, b15, b15
          ; Flash 'telltale' on LCD to indicate activity and successful 'serin' from wireless.
          gosub telltale
          ; Display first group on LCD
          hserout 0, ("acc0", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", SignBit, #Quotient, ".", #Fract, "  ", 13) 
          hserout 0, ("acce", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", #Humidity,".", #HFract, "  ", 13)
          gosub switches
          ; Send first group to computer COM port
          ; Each group has a start identifier, data and an end identifier:
          ; Start = "xS", End is "xE" eg Wind Start is WS, Wind End is WE 
          ; Multiple data are separated by a single space character.
          serout Computer, N2400, ("TS", SignBit, #Quotient,".", #Fract, "TE")    ; Temperature
          serout Computer, N2400, ("HS", #Humidity, ".", #HFract, "HE")           ; Humidity
          ; Check switches again and at regular intervals throughout program.
          gosub switches
          ; Get second group of values from outdoor unit radio link.  
          serin Wireless, N2400, ("m"), DirHi, DirLo, SpeedHi, SpeedLo, RainCountLastHour, RainCountThisHour, b15
          gosub telltale
           Speed = Speed * 36 / 10                             ; Estimated conversion from pulses/sec to mph
          Dir = Dir * 64 / 182                                  ; Convert 0 - 1023 to 0 - 359 degrees

          ; To preserve precision, rain gauge has to be calibrated by adjusting the
          ; mechanical stops on the tipping bucket so that 1 tip is 0.5 mm of rain.

          if LastOrThis = "c" then				; Decide whether to display previous hour's
             LCDRainWhole = RainCountThisHour / 2		; rainfall or the current hour's.
             LCDRainFract = RainCountThisHour * 5 // 10
             LCDRainWhole = RainCountLastHour / 2		;
             LCDRainFract = RainCountLastHour * 5 // 10 
          ; Send second group to LCD
          hserout 0, ("ac95", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", #Dir, "   ", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ac9c", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", #Speed, "   ", 13)
          hserout 0, ("aca1", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", LastOrThis, " ", #LCDRainWhole, ".", #LCDRainFract, "  ", 13)
          ; Send second group to computer COM port
          serout Computer, N2400, ("WS", #Dir," ", #Speed, "WE")          ; Wind
          serout Computer, N2400, ("RS", #RainCountLastHour," ", #RainCountThisHour, "RE")  ; Rain
          gosub switches
          ; Thanks to 'matherp' on the Picaxe forum for the mbar code loop:

          ; Measuring atmosperic pressure with a MPX4115A
          ; Analogue to digital conversion using a MCP3422
          ; MPX output to V+, 2.5V to V-
          ; ADC in 16 bit mode

          hi2cin (b1,b0,b2)             ; Read in the ADC reading and the status byte from MCP3422
          adj1 = 0
          adj2 = 0
          w1 = mb900
          mbar = 900
          do while mBarADCValue > w1	; mBarADCValue = w0 = b1:b0
             inc mbar
             w1 = w1 + adj0
             inc adj1
             if adj1 = 4 then
	        inc adj2
	        w1 = w1 + 1
	        adj1 = 0
             if adj2 = 6 then
                w1 = w1 + 1
	        adj2 = 0
          gosub switches	
          gosub telltale
          ; Send pressure to computer COM port
          serout Computer, N2400, ("PS:", #mbar, "PE")

          ; Initialize previous pressure reading (lastmbar) if not already set
          if lastmbar = 0 then
             lastmbar = mbar
             RiseFall = " "
          ; Display up arrow or down arrow if pressure has changed
          if mbar > lastmbar then
             RiseFall = "^"                                     ; ^
             lastmbar = mbar

          if mbar < lastmbar then
             RiseFall = 10				        ; Custom LCD character. Down arrow
             lastmbar = mbar

          hserout 0, ("acc7", 13)
          hserout 0, ("ad", RiseFall, #mbar, "  ",13) 
          gosub telltale
     goto main
          ; Check if one of the front panel buttons is pressed. 
          if LCD = 1 then			      		; LCD Backlight on/off Button is pressed
             if LCD_Status = 0 then		      		; Backlight is on so...
                hserout 0, ("ab0", 13)			    	; Turn it off
                LCD_Status = 1
                hserout 0, ("ab1", 13)		      		; Else turn it on.
                LCD_Status = 0
             do: loop while LCD = 1		       		; Don't return while button is pressed
          if ClearRiseFall = 1  then				; Pressure rise/fall button is pressed
             RiseFall = " "					; Clear indicator and...
             hserout 0, ("acc7", 13)				; ... update display.
             hserout 0, ("ad", RiseFall, #mbar, "  ",13)      
             do: loop while ClearRiseFall = 1
          if LastOrThisSwitch = 1 then		      	        ; Rain Previous Hour / Last Hour button.
             if LastOrThis = "c" then
                LastOrThis = "p"					
                LCDRainWhole = RainCountLastHour / 2		; Recalculate values and re-display to
                LCDRainFract = RainCountLastHour * 5 // 10      ; give visual confirmation of button-press
                LastorThis = "c"
                LCDRainWhole = RainCountThisHour / 2		;
                LCDRainFract = RainCountThisHour * 5 // 10        
             hserout 0, ("aca1", 13)
             hserout 0, ("ad", LastOrThis, " ", #LCDRainWhole, ".", #LCDRainFract, "  ", 13)    
             do : loop while LastOrThisSwitch = 1
          ; Flash "tell-tale" on LCD display to show activity    
          if active = "*" then
             active = " "
             active = "*"
          hserout 0, ("ac80", 13, "ad", active, 13)

    {Memory used = 764 bytes out of 2048}

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